TM Software for Financeial Services

Store Management

Easier Regulatory Compliance. Our solutions help you document important information for filing with the proper authorities, and with our multi-store solution compliance data is consolidated across the chain. Plus, with our e-BSA optional module, you can submit CTRs and SARs in batch electronically.

Faster Store Closing. Closing balances, researching overs and unders, cash tallies and daily reports can be done with ease.

Banking. With our Integrated Check 21 - e-Deposit™module, you can send the checks you cash directly to your bank (or their designated processor) without having to spend the time rescanning, buying and maintaining additional computers and scanners, or working with additional vendors.

Broader Range of Solutions. All of our programs are Windows applications for Win7/SQL2008 operating systems. We sell software licenses and specialized hardware, if that's all you require. But we're also a single-source supplier of turnkey systems. For many, bundling software, hardware, and technical support means the convenience of one-phone-call accountability.

Fighting Fraud
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